(TM) by Mathclick, when applied to water distribution netowrks, is a patented (patent pending) system that can reconstruct the geometry of the network and pinpoint leaks within it. It achieves this by combining our edge devices, positioned as easily accessible points in the network, and our AI model. The system can also use historical data where available. In the case of water distribution networks, the system is scalable from the residential network level (even a single home) to a whole section of an urban network.
In the case of sewer networks, the system acts as an "engine" receiving as input sensor data (both stationary and mission-based data) and generating synthetic sensor data values for the same network, which can then be fed to a digital twin software. In the case of sewer networks, the main functionality of is that of "filling in the voids" both in space and in time, generating a smart interpolation of the data based on the available information. This is particularly useful when the available info is in the form of mission based data collections, which typically are not well suited to be fed in a digital twin layer.
The software is also dynamic, so that if additional data (added sensors, additional missions etc.) become available, the generation of data is improved accordingly. The software can be setup to mark the generated data so that the digital twin is aware of which data is "raw" and which one is generated by the engine.
Once you have a working digital twin, you can use it to try and mitigate leakages (in the case of water networks) or overflow events (in the case of sewer networks). See out LinkedIn post on this for more information. in the context of sewer networks is currently used in the NETWORKleak software for localization of Inflow and Infiltration in sewer networks. See our LinkedIn post on this for more information.